We understand that an essential element to project success lies in the development of comprehensive, media rich training materials that enable all levels of stakeholders to gain a thorough understanding of processes and methodologies. We can assist in development, delivery, and facilitation of classroom training, workshops, webinars, videos, and other multi-media presentations for training. This may include, but is not limited to animation, static text and graphics, knowledge checks, assessments, quizzes, and certificates of completion. From analysis to evaluation, we use industry best practices in all of our deliveries. Additionally, we can provide technical support and assistance for completion of white papers, doctrines, best practice guides from analysis, experience, meetings and other activities to ensure consistency in knowledge sharing. All of our web based training is Section 508 compliant and SCORM compatible. Our graphics designers and desktop publishers have developed a wide range of client products and specialize in designing products that creatively integrate all aspects of visual communication to provide comprehensive solutions for our clients. VEA offers a full range of creative design services to include all phases of brand development and compliance.
Our training topics and classes developed include certification curriculums; professional development frameworks; knowledge capture and transfer; customized training courses; and customized training and facilitation.
Want to learn more? E-mail training@virtual-ea.com